Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Enjoy! (with a pat on the head)

Not much to say about today, which has been typical wintery day here in Ireland (cold, very wet and windy!), except that Bea and Matt are so sweet!  Bea was over this morning taking the reading for my electricity usage and she was commenting on the fact that there's not a lot to do on a day like today.  I assured her I had plenty of work to do and that would keep me busy.

A couple of hours later, Matt knocks on my door with a plate of Irish stew for me that Bea had made.  He said, "Enjoy!" and then he patted me on the head.  A little weird and normally, I don't like being patted, but somehow from Matt, it's ok. :) And the stew was delicious, a real treat on a day when you I can hear the wind howling and the rain blowing against the windows. 

It's a little misty because the steam was fogging up the lens!


  1. Now that is some thick stew!!! That is so funny that he patted you on the head! :) I know what you mean about not normally tolerating something like that, but it sounds so enduring! Was he wearing his wool sweater when he came over?

  2. If that wasn't a Irish experience I don't know what is! My mouth was watering! Gene

  3. not exactly MY dream meal but it looks hot and filling and the gesture was sure kind. the little "pat" reminds me of tolerating something from Matthew off Anne of Green Gables... you'd pretty much tolerate anything from a sweet old man (except maybe if he patted your butt!)
